

Pictures of puppies

I thank to all new owners of my puppies which are providing them love, care and a lovely new home and allowing me to be a part of their families. To all my puppy buyers I am open to give advices connected to grooming, handling, logistics, planning and etc. if they made their mind to show ”our” puppy on dogshows in the future.

Litter ”A”

In the middle of September 2008., our Freyja United Colors Poodle was breeded with Ikalicon Pinocchio Carisimo (CH MRH & CH RH) and 14.11.2008. has littered tri “Angels”:

Amitel Moretto Fiumano-“Sollo” owner: Zdenka Trček Perdan (SLO)—-Ch.JSLO/ Ch.SLO/ Ch. HR /Ch. A
Armisael Moretto Fiumano-“Lord” owner: Zdenka Trček Perdan (SLO)—Ch.HR / Ch. SLO / Ch. A
Amabel Moretto Fiumano-“Đivo” owner:Aleksandra Piteša Orešković (CRO)—Ch.HR / Ch.MNE

Litter ”B”

At the beginning of October 2009, our Freyja United Colors Poodle was again breeded with Ikalicon Pinocchio Carisimo (CH MRH & CH RH) and 04.12.2009. has littered two puppies:

Barun Moretto Fiumano /Owner: Lidija Škrlec (SLO)
Bura Moretto Fiumano / Owner: Bianca Bzik (A)

“Litter C”

Our Freyja United Color Poodle and Tyr-Marvel Powder Puff on date 25.10.2010. have became parents of 4 “cupid’ :

Corazon Moretto  Fiumano „Naomi“ owner: : Nataša Žic-Ivančić- Ch.HR
Chichitta Moretto Fiumano -”Čikita” owner: Sara i Lara Pavković (CRO)
Cezar Moretto Fiumano -”Dante” owner: Irina Pavković (CRO)—Ch.HR
Ciceron Moretto Fiumano -”Cico” owner: Katja Sviben (CRO)—-Ch.HRM

“Litter D”

Our Freyja United Colors Poodle and Sporrens Melody Maker-“Billy”on date 07.11.2011. have became parents of 4 “Spirit” -“Duše”- two female and two male. Pedigree of Sporrens Melody Maker

Drita-Diva Moretto Fiumano-owner: Nataša Žic Ivančić—-Ch.MHR / Ch. JSLO / Ch.HR
Dora Darling Moretto Fiumano-owner: Iris C. de Corbavia (CRO)
Didi Moretto Fiumano-owner: Anita Pelosa (CRO)
Da Vinci Moretto Fiumano-owner : Katja Sviben (CRO)–Ch.MHR / Ch.HR

Litter “F”

Our “Zara” – Justin My Favourite Lady and “Roni” – Smash JP Jubilation (pedigree)
01.11.2012. became parents cute white toy females:
Ferunika Moretto Fiumano  / owner: Anita Pelosa (CRO)

Litter “G”

Our Freyja United Colors Poodle and  “Tyr” – Marvel Powder Puff
09.9. 2013th become the parents of a female:
Gerda Moretto Fiumano
and two males:
Gray Moretto Fiumano and Gabriel Moretto Fiumano

Gerda Moretto Fiumano / owner. Marjeta Košir (SLO)
Gray Moretto Fiumano / owner: Davorka i Dalibor Posavec (HR)
Gabriel Moretto Fiumano / owner: Željka Juriček (USA)

Litter “H”

Our Drita Diva Moretto Fiumano (Ch. MHR / Ch. JSLO / Ch. HR )
Marvel Powder Puff-“Tyr” ( Ch. Int. / Ch. MHr, / Ch JSlo / Ch. Hr / Ch. Slo / Ch. A / Ch. Srb )
29.11.2013. became parents one male:
HORUS Moretto Fiumano
and two females:
HONORA Moretto Fiumano and HERA Moretto Fiumano
HORUS Moretto Fiumano/ owner: Divna i Čedo tešić (SLO)
HONORA Moretto Fiumano /owner: Sonja i Željko Juriček (HR)
HERA Moretto Fiumano/owner: Nataša Žic-Ivančić

Litter “I”

Our “Zara” – Justin My Favourite Lady Ch. Inter / Ch. JSLO / Ch.M HRV / Ch. HRV / Ch. SRB / Ch. SLO
and Kirk-B “Korin”   Ch. MHR
13.12.2013.. became parents cute white toy male:
Ilirik  Moretto Fiumano
Ilirik Moretto Fiumano /owners: Nataša Žic-Ivančić & Snježana Mardešić

Litter “J”

JUSTIN Moretto Fiumano / owner: Iva Zolota (HR)
born: 09.01.2015.
dam: “Zara”-Justin My Favourite Lady
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch/Ch. JSLO / Ch.M HRV / Ch. HRV /Ch. SRB /Ch.SLO / Ch. A
sire: “Korin” -Kirk-B
Ch.MHR / Ch. HR /Ch. Republic Serbia / Ch. Federation BiH / Ch. BiH / Ch. SRB

Litter “K”

KALINA  Moretto  Fiumano / owner: Josipa Šimić Poje (HR)
KOLETA Moretto  Fiumano / owner: Christine Paulus (D)
2 white toy female
born: 12.01.2015.
dam: Moretto Fiumano Drita Diva
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch./Ch.MHR / Ch. JSLO / Ch. HR / Ch. SLO /Ch. A / Ch. Republic Serbia / Ch. Federation BiH / Ch. BiH / Ch. SRB
sire:Kirk-B “Korin”
Ch.MHR / Ch. HR / Ch. Republic Serbia / Ch. Federation BiH / Ch. BiH / Ch. SRB

Litter “L”

Our Drita Diva Moretto Fiumano -Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.Ch.MHR / Ch. JSLO / Ch. HR / Ch. SLO /Ch. A / Ch. Republike Srpske / Ch. Federacije  BiH  / Ch. BiH  / Ch. SRB
Apache Earl´s Legend- Ch. INT. /C.I.B.,CZCH ,Grand CHSK,SKCH, PLCH, RSCH, Grand CHHCH, HCH, Klubový šampion šampionů, klubový šampion
CZJCH, SKJCH, ROJCH, Mladý Klubový šampion

became parents 08.8.2015.  three male:

Moretto Fiumano LEONARDO / owner:Mako Vlado (SRB)
Moretto Fiumano LORD / owner:Potparević Aleksandra (SRB)
Moretto Fiumano LERO / owner:Marjana Hameršak ( SLO)

Litter “M”

Our Moretto Fiumano Hera
Ch. M SRB / Ch. MHR / Ch. SRB /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. BIH / Ch. HR
Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition
Cherish Diamond Criss-Cross “Raph”
Ch.MHR / Ch.JSLO / Ch.HR / Ch. SLO
PRA Normal/Clear
Patella 0/0
Pedigree: http://www.poodlepedigree.com/pedigree.asp?ID=434696
16.02.2016. became parents of one female  and four male.
Moretto Fiumano MOJRA-female / owner: Sanja Ruth Stepić
Moretto Fiumano MAXIM-male/owner: Marjana Hamersak (SLO)
Moretto Fiumano MOZART-male/ owner: Niko Šalja (HR)
Moretto Fiumano MARKIZ-male/owner: Biljana Apostolska (HR)
Moretto Fiumano MORIS-male/ owner: Mia Mander (HR)

Litter “N”

Our Moretto Fiumano Drita Diva
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.
Ch.MHR / Ch. JSLO / Ch. HR / Ch. SLO /
Ch. A / Ch. Republic Serbia /
Ch. Federation BiH / Ch. BiH / Ch. SRB
Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition
Cherish Diamond Criss-Cross “Raph”
Ch.MHR / Ch.JSLO / Ch.HR / Ch. SLO
PRA Normal/Clear
Patella 0/0
Pedigree: http://www.poodlepedigree.com/pedigree.asp?ID=434696

15.8.2016. became parents of two female and one male.
Moretto Fiumano NARIN-male/ owner: Martina Bolja (HR)
Moretto Fiumano NORA-female/ owner: Nataša Žic-Ivančić
Moretto Fiumano NITRA-female/ owner: Sonja Klab (D)

Litter “O”

Our Moretto Fiumano Hera
Inter Ch/ Multi Ch/Ch. M SRB / Ch. MHR / Ch. SRB /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. BIH / Ch. HR
Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition
Cherish Diamond Criss-Cross “Raph”
Ch.MHR / Ch.JSLO / Ch.HR / Ch. SLO
PRA Normal/Clear
Patella 0/0
Pedigree: http://www.poodlepedigree.com/pedigree.asp?ID=434696


23.01.2017.became parents of one female  and four male.
Moretto Fiumano ORNELA-female / owner: Jennifer Herndlhofer (AUS)
Moretto Fiumano ORFEJ-male / owner: Petya Jurčević (HR)
Moretto Fiumano OTTO-male/ owner: Blaž Pavičić (HR)
Moretto Fiumano OSCAR-male/ owner: Irman Jakupović (HR)
Moretto Fiumano OLAF-male / owner: Jovana Nikolić (SWISS)

Litter “P”

Our  Moretto Fiumano DRITA DIVA
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.
Ch.MHR / Ch. JSLO / Ch. HR / Ch. SLO /
Ch. A / Ch. Republic Serbia /
Ch. Federation BiH / Ch. BiH / Ch. SRB

Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition
Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition

dana 10.7.2017. become the parents of:
Moretto Fiumano PERLA- ženka / owner: Marianna Crnković (HR)
Moretto Fiumano PEGAZ- mužjak / owner: Andrea Dugac Vukić (HR)

Litter “R”

Our Moretto Fiumano Hera

Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.

Ch. M SRB / Ch. MHR / Ch. SRB /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. BIH / Ch. HR/ Ch.SLO / Ch.A/

Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition
Cherish Diamond Criss-Cross “Raph”

Multi Ch. / Ch. MHR / Ch. JSLO /

Ch.HR / Ch. SLO / Ch. BIH / Ch. Republic Serbiaa / Ch. Montenegro /

Ch. Serbija / Ch.  Macedonia / Grand Ch. HRV

Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition
Pedigree: http://www.pudle-moretto.com/en/cherish-diamond-criss-cross-raph-2/
31.3.2018. become the parents of 3 female and 3 male

Moretto Fiumano RENESMEE-ženka/owner:Giada Bertolini (ITA)

Moretto Fiumano RINA-ženka/owner: Pap Daniella Vivien (H)

Moretto Fiumano RATNICA RAISA-ženka/owner: Tamara Malešević (ITA)

Moretto Fiumano  ROKO-mužjak/owner:Blaž Pavičić (HR)
Moretto Fiumano  RINO-mužjak/owner: Suzi Erniša(HR)
Moretto Fiumano RAFAEL-mužjak-/owner: Martina Maglić(HR)

Litter “S”

Our Moretto Fiumano HERA
Inter Ch / Multi Cg /Ch. M SRB / Ch. MHR / Ch. SRB /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. BIH / Ch. HR / Ch.SLO / Ch.A
Prcd-PRA normal/clear, lux patells 0/0 , full set dentition

our Cherish Diamond Criss-Cross “RAPH”
M.Int.Ch/ Multi Ch. / Ch. MHR / Ch. JSLO /Ch.HR / Ch. SLO / Ch. BIH / Ch. Republic Serbiaa / Ch. Montenegro /Ch. SRB / Ch. Macedonia
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0,, full set dentition

have become parents 19.02.2019. of:
Moretto Fiumano STELLA-female/ owner:Kolarić Mateja (SLO)
Moretto Fiumano SCARLETT- female/ owner Purić Rozinka (HR)
Moretto Fiumano SEFIRA- female/ owner :Eva Zorijan Sponza (HR)
Moretto Fiumano STRIBOR-male/ owner:Branka Petrović (HR)

Litter “T”

Our Moretto Fiumano NORA
Multi Ch /Ch. MHRV / Ch. JSRB/ Ch. SRB / Ch.BIH / Ch. HRV / Ch.SLO
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 / full set dentition
our Marvel Powder Puff- “TYR”
have become parents 25.02.2019. of:

Moretto Fiumano TAYRA- female/ owner : Nataša Žic-Ivančić
Moretto Fiumano TEUTA- female/ owner :Vladimir Jauković (CH)
Moretto Fiumano THEO- male/ owner : Goran Glad (HR)
Moretto Fiumano TIN- male/ owner :Tatjana Kreco (BIH)

Litter “U”

Our Moretto Fiumano NORA
Inter Ch. / Multi Ch.
Ch. MCRO / Ch. JSRB/ Ch. SRB / Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina/ Ch. CRO / Ch. SLO / Ch. AUS
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 / full dentition


And our

Moretto Fiumano ILIRIK-„Lir“
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.
Ch. SRB / Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. CRO / Ch. SLO / Ch. AUS / Grand Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina / INTER. Ch /
Prcd-PRA N/P carrier , lux patells 0/0  / full dentition

became parents on August 8th 2020 of two females and two males:

Moretto Fiumano URŠA-female/owner: Brigitte Molnar (HUN)

Moretto Fiumano UNA-female /owner: Daniella Vivien Pap (HUN)

Moretto Fiumano URBAN-male/owner: Lucia Jane Čigir (CRO)

Moretto Fiumano URAN-male/owner: Vanja Kljaković Gašpić (CRO)

Litter “V”

Our Moretto Fiumano HERA
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.
Ch. M SRB / Ch. MCRO / Ch. SRB /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina / Ch. CRO/ Ch. SLO / Ch. AUS/
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0  / full dentition


Cherish Diamond Criss-Cross “Raph”
Inter CH / Multi Ch. / Ch. MCRO/ Ch. JSLO /
Ch.CRO / Ch. SLO / Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina / Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. Montenegro /
Ch. Serbia / Ch. Republic of North Macedonia / Grand CRO / Ch. AUS
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0, ful dentition
Pedigree: http://www.poodlepedigree.com/pedigree.asp?ID=434696

became parents on August 10th 2020 of female

Moretto Fiumano VENERA-ženka/ vlasnik: Tamara Popov (CRO)

Litter “Z”

red, fawn
Ch.MCRO / Ch.J Bosnia & Herzegovina / Ch.JSRB / Ch.JSLO
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 / full set dentition


red, fawn
Ch.MCRO/ Ch.J AUS / Ch. J CZECH /Ch.J Slovakia
Prcd-PRA normal / Clear , lux patells 0/0, full dentition

Became parents on August 13th 2020 of two female and a male:

Moretto Fiumano RED ZARA-female/ owner: Nataša Žic-Ivančić

Moretto Fiumano RED ZAFIRA-female/ owner: Brigitte Molnar (HUN)

Moretto Fiumano RED ZEUS-male / owner: Ivana Sinanović-Orec (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

Litter  “AA”

Our Moretto Fiumano TAYRA

Ch.J.SLO / Ch. HRV / Ch. BiH

Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 / full set dentition

Ch. JMK / Ch.SRB / Ch. MNE / Inter.Ch
Prcd-PRA normal / Clear , lux patells 0/0, full set dentition
became parents 16.7.2021. of one female and two male.
Moretto Fiumano  Ariel- female / owner: Sandra Šeligo ( SLO)
Moretto Fiumano Aramis- male / owner: Andrea Bencetić Matijašec (HR)
Moretto Fiumano Athos- male / owner: Lidija Mikulak Sraka (HR)

Litter  “BB” – red/ fawn

Our AMORETTE- “Reja”

Ch.MHR / Ch.JBiH / Ch.JSRB / Ch.JSLO / Ch.BIH / Ch. HRV / Ch. SLO

Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 / full set dentition

Ch.JR / Ch. MNG
Prcd-PRA normal / Clear , lux patells 0/0, full set dentition
became parents 19.7.2021. of one female and three male:
Moretto Fiumano Red Berina – female / owner: Nataša Žic-Ivančić
Moretto Fiumano Red Bodin – male / owner: Ines Ivančić Zekan (HR)
Moretto Fiumano Red Brut – male / owner:  Jasmina Groznik (SLO)
Moretto Fiumano Red Buri –male / owner: Mihaela Horvat (HR)

Litter “CC”

Our Moretto Fiumano NORA
Inter Ch. / Multi Ch.
Ch. MCRO / Ch. JSRB/ Ch. SRB / Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina/ Ch. CRO / Ch. SLO / Ch. AUS
Prcd-PRA normal /Clear, lux patells 0/0 / full dentition


And our

Moretto Fiumano ILIRIK-„Lir“
Ch. Inter / Multi Ch.
Ch. SRB / Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina /Ch. Republic of Serbia / Ch. CRO / Ch. SLO / Ch. AUS / Grand Ch. Bosnia & Herzegovina / INTER. Ch /
Prcd-PRA N/P carrier , lux patells 0/0  / full dentition

became parents on December 6th 2021 of one female and four males:

Moretto Fiumano CVITA-female /owner: Vesna Žugalj (HR)

Moretto Fiumano CLARK-male / owner: Tea SALINGER (HR)

Moretto Fiumano  CARLOS-male / owner:  DIJANA  Hrvatin (HR)

Moretto Fiumano CHARLES – male / owner: Lana Strahinec (SLO)

Moretto  Fiumano CONAN – male / owner: Dragana Petrović (SLO)

Litter “DD”

Our Moretto Fiumano Tayra and “ZAHAR” – IRINE LIFE ZNAK KACHESTVA

became parents on June 22, 2022 of one male and one female:

Moretto Fiumano Donna – female / owner: Ivana Sinanović Jacobsen (SWE)

Moretto Fiumano Denny – female / owner: Ivana Sinanović Jacobsen (SWE)

Litter “EE”

Our Moretto Fiumano Red Zara and “EROS” – WOYAGE IZ VOLZHSKOY SERENADY

became parents on June 30, 2022 of one female and two males:

Moretto Fiumano Red Emira – female / owner: Sanja Vidić Brčić (HR)

Moretto Fiumano Red Eric – male / owner: Ana Borštner-Šoštarko (HR)

Moretto Fiumano Red Edvin – male / owner: Edona Božičković (HR)

Litter “FF”

Our Amorette “Reja” i our Toy Love Story Jastin “Jura”

became parents on June 25, 2022 of three females:

Moretto Fiumano Red Freyja – female / owner: Petra Paternost Kovač (SLO)

Moretto Fiumano Red Francesca – female / owner: Karmen Sentić (HR)

Moretto Fiumano Red Firuze – female / owner: Nataša Žic-Ivančić (HR)

Litter “GG”

Our Moretto Fiumano Tayra and Chameleon Powder Puff

became parents on June 6, 2023 of two females

Moretto Fiumano Grace – female / owner: Nataša Žic-Ivančić (HR)

Moretto Fiumano Greta – female / owner: Alma Hasanagić (BIH)

Litter “HH”

Our Moretto Fiumano Red Zara and “EROS” – WOYAGE IZ VOLZHSKOY SERENADY

became parents on June 9, 2023 of two males:

Moretto Fiumano Red Harry – male / owner: Milivoj Subašić

Moretto Fiumano Red Hippy – male / owner: Sanjin Ropac

Litter “II”

Our Amorette “Reja” and Toy Love Story Jastin “Jura”

become parents on June 9, 2023 of one female and two males:

Moretto Fiumano Red Iris – female / owner: Marija Hodak

Moretto Fiumano Red Ibis – male / owner: Alen Čatić

Moretto Fiumano Red Iron – male / owner: Sanjin Ropac


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  • English

Contact us...

e- mail: moretto.fiumano@gmail.com
mob: +385 91 5763 777